Broek op Langedijk, Netherlands – 14 July 2021
E-magy has joined TEESMAT, the EU platform dedicated to material characterization for batteries, after the positive vote of the 20+ partners of the consortium. Together with parties such as Arkema, CEA and ZSW, E-magy will work to enhance the use of specialty silicon to develop better batteries.
Better batteries play a major role in making electric driving accessible for more people, accelerating the transition towards a low-carbon economy. There are various promising material techniques to improve the performance of the next generation batteries. Bringing the know-how and expertise of partners with varying backgrounds together is key to stimulate the progress of these new solutions. TEESMAT is building a strong EU community around the delivery of advanced materials techniques. The 20+ partners of TEESMAT have voted positively on the entrance of E-magy during the General Assembly. As TEESMAT is an EU project funded by Horizon 2020 under grant agreement n°814106, the European Commission needs to final approve the membership.
Towards a one-stop-shop problem solving for battery innovation
TEESMAT is an Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials (OITB). TEESMAT aims to provide effective, centrally managed access to advanced materials’ characterisation, modelling and data solutions. The consortium is working towards becoming an innovative one-stop-shop problem solving for supporting battery innovation, receiving complex problems from users and applying a multidisciplinary approach to solve the challenges.
The importance of silicon anode technology for next generation batteries
Since more than two decades, scientists have recognized silicon to be able to boost energy density of lithium-ion batteries, as it has roughly ten times more storage capacity than graphite. However, difficulty in managing silicon’s properties has prevented the technology from being applied at scale for a long time. The last couple of years this has changed rapidly. As there is a huge demand to develop lighter and more efficient batteries, the use of silicon for batteries has quickly progressed. Silicon anode technology is currently on the roadmap of every major automotive manufacturer as it has huge potential benefits: it can store up to 10 times more lithium ions than graphite, it has fast charging capacities and a reduced internal resistance.
Researching the behaviour of nano-porous silicon for batteries
With TEESMAT and its partners, we will do a joint research to understand the evolution of the microstructure of Si particles during cycling. Specifically, our user case pertains to the effective behaviour of pores during cycling. That entails how the porosity changes upon cycling, how the crystalline structure evolves and how the resistance of the anode changes at different states of charge of the battery, for example different Si lithiation levels.
Through tapping into this extensive advanced materials network, we will be able to further strengthen our silicon for batteries solution.
Would you like to know more about the silicon anodes opportunity for batteries?
We are happy to discuss the opportunity of silicon anodes for the next generation of batteries.
Contact us at and we will get back to you.